Slumber Spar

Check out our newest film!

A man, who’s been down on his luck recently, visits his friend to crash for the night, but quickly learns that trying to wake his sleepwalking host isn't the best idea.

Cast: Andres Coronel, Noah Ferguson

Crew: Andres Coronel, Solomon Perillo

Utopia's Gate

Watch another fantastic production!

A man wakes up after being immersed in a dream of a happy life, and undergoes a risky procedure to relive it once more and escape his dismal reality...

Cast: Gavin Newkirk, Wyatt Hervey

Crew: Zander Renzi, Yamil Nassif-Sanchez

About Us

Boring Studios is a group of teenagers who like to make short films. Located in California, we enjoy creating our fair share of comedy, action, thriller, and even horror films just because we're bored.